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10 thousand signatures in defense of monument to Liberators in Latvia collected in record time

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10 thousand signatures in defense of monument to Liberators in Latvia collected in record time



It took only three days for Latvian Russian Union (LKS) to collect 10,000 votes in defense of the monument to Soldiers-Liberators of Riga. LKS thanked all fellow citizens who signed the petition on its Facebook page. 

Now it can be forwarded to Parliament as a legislative initiative. It involves the development of a law on protection of monuments to fighters against fascism. 

The collection of signatures continues. The number of them has already exceeded 11,000. 

The authors of the initiative called this case unprecedented. According to LKS leader Tatyana Zhdanok, this result was achieved, because the topic acutely touched the hearts of all who cherish the memory of the victims of War and the soldiers who defeated Nazism. The politician called it very important that the signatures were collected before the beginning of the discussion in Parliament on the petition of nationalists. 

“Our thousands of signatures are not only protecting the monument to Liberators and other monuments in memory of soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition. They also protect our future and legal rights,” Tatiana Zhdanok assured.

It should be recalled that a petition calling for the destruction of the monument to Soldiers-Liberators gathered more than 10,000 signatures earlier. It was posted on the portal. According to author of the document, the monument is a symbol of Soviet past. According to the legislation of Baltic Republic, a petition that has gained more than 10,000 signatures of citizens of the country can be considered by Parliament. A similar document was already posted three years ago, but the deputies did not support it.

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